Download the official files to apply
Located in the heart of Amiens, the University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) has 1 200 researchers, 32 000 students, 36 laboratories (11 in health research) and 8 platforms. The UPJV is a human-scale university.
The research group on alcohol & pharmacodependences (GRAP) is located in the Universitary Centre on Health Research (Centre Universitaire de Recherche en Santé- CURS) in the Universitary Hospital Centre (CHU) in the south of Amiens. The GRAP is an INSERM research unit (U1247) recognized by the national institute on health & medical research. It is composed mainly by researchers with teaching and hospital duties. The GRAP laboratory is the only one in France working exclusively on alcohol addiction and its comorbidities with translational approaches based on animal models of the disease and clinical trials. The main topic of the laboratory is the study of neurobiological bases of alcohol addiction and of the treatment responses using cutting edge techniques such as in vivo fast scan voltammetry, in vivo calcium imaging, ex vivo electrophysiology, brain imaging and fMRI. The lab has easy access to an animal care facility, a radioactivity platform and animal MRI platform. The GRAP is leading national research network on alcohol research and is integrated in national networks (FHU A2M2P, Institut de Psychiatrie, GDR 3557 Psychiatrie/Addictions). Numerous ongoing projects highlight the research dynamism of the laboratory (ADELY, RAPSICO, ANR PAPAUD, ANR Era-Net Neuron PsiAlc, SMARTBINGE, PREFRONTNALC, ALPHA5ADDICT, HepatAlc).
Localization of our lab on GOOGLE MAPS

The recruited person will be able to teach, for example, in the BISA Master’s degree (tracks "Neurosciences" with courses on brain/synaptic plasticity, addiction, neuropharmacology, experimental models, ethics), in the Addictology Universitary Diploma (DU d’Addictologie) and the future “surgery for experiments on rodents” training course for the authorization to conduct surgery in animal studies.
She/he will play an important role in the structuring of teaching, but also of research, around neuropsychopharmacology of addictions. Her/his interest in public health issues and neuropsychology will potentially allow her/him to build bridges with other departments and laboratories of the university. Knowledge of French is not mandatory for this position.
The call is open to all research profiles contributing to the understanding of the neurobiological bases of addiction and looking for new therapeutic intervention.
The recruited person will benefit from a reduction by 2/3 of teaching load in the phase preceding tenure (tenure will take place between 2027 and 2030) and from a financial support of 200 k€ in total for her/his research.
Contact : Mickael Naassila, Director of the GRAP-INSERM U1247 unit
Website of the host laboratory:
Non-discrimination, openness and transparency
University of Picardie Jules Verne is committed to supporting and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion within its communities. We encourage applications from diverse profiles and we ensure to we will select via an open and transparent recruitment process.
University is an equal opportunity employer.
Selection procedure:
The evaluation will be carried out by a committee composed of internal and external experts. The composition of the committee will be made public before its work.
Candidates shortlisted by the committee based on their application will be invited to give an interview (in presence or by videoconference), during which the candidate will present their previous research and teaching activities, their research and teaching projects for the position, followed by a discussion with the selection committee.
Expected dates for the interviews: from end of 2023 to beginning of 2024.
Evaluation criteria:
- Excellence of the application, ability to supervise students
- Quality and originality of the research and teaching projects
- Capacity to establish collaborative networks within field and/or with other fields
- Interest in research and/or action in the face of global change.
How to apply?
Candidates must complete a file on the Galaxie application. To do so, they must first register on :
Only applications entered and submitted on the Galaxie platform will be accepted. All documents must be submitted on this platform. No document sent by e-mail will be taken into consideration.
Application file is composed of a form to be entered online and documents to be uploaded on :
Administrative documents :
- An identity document with a photograph (Passport)
- PhD diploma *
- The report on your PhD defense, or a certificate from the institution stating that no report has been drawn up *
Additional mandatory documents, to be uploaded in the: « Titres et travaux » section :
Application form to be filled :
Cover letter *
Two letters of recommendation *
A selection of some of the candidate’s research articles or other achievements, not exceeding 6 documents *
Once your documents are ready, they must be uploaded on the French-only Galaxie website (FIDIS module) :
All documents must be uploaded in PDF format and must not exceed 10Mb.
*(with a translation in english or french, if the original language is different)
Help with the upload process can be obtained via @email
Application Deadline: To be determined soon
For questions about the position, please contact : Mickael Naassila, Director of the GRAP-INSERM U1247 unit
For questions specific to the recruitment procedure and the receipt of your application, please contact @email
CONTACT: @email
cpj_fiche_de_candidature.docx - docx - 21.12 KB
cpj_applicationform.docx - docx - 32.3 KB
Corresponding CNU sections: 86, 69
Keywords: Addiction, neuropsychopharmacology, treatments, vulnerability, neruobiology.
Principal research : Health Science
Secondary Research: Neuropsychopharmacology of addictions
Type de contrat / de poste; contract/position type : tenure track
Durée du contrat/contract duration: 4 years for the tenure-track period, followed by a tenured position as a UPJV university professor, after evaluation by a tenure committee.
Experience years: Niveau doctorant (R1)
PUBLISHED ON xx/xx/2023